Successful management of marine protected areas (MPAs) boosts biodiversity and serves as an insurance policy against the impacts of overfishing and other destructive activities. The Moore Charitable Foundation collaborates with partners to drive effective implementation and management of MPAs. In addition, we support research, advocacy, policy, and legal reform work addressing historic overfishing in order to rebuild healthy fish populations that work for artisanal, commercial, and recreational fishers today and account for future challenges in the world’s oceans.
A global funder's collaborative committed to protecting the world's oceans, Oceans 5 focuses on protecting large, ecologically and economically significant ocean areas, securing new policies to stop overfishing and combat IUU fishing; and expand and strengthen strategic marine philanthropy.
The Atlantic Menhaden Conservation Project is working to ensure that commercial menhaden catch is consistent with an ecosystem approach to management in the Atlantic Ocean, i.e., for the sustainability of the species and for the health of the other stocks that rely on the forage fish.
In January 2016, the British Government created a marine reserve of 234,291km2, slightly less than the size of the United Kingdom, in the waters of Ascension Island in the Atlantic, as the result of a grant from the Bacon Foundation.